It seems you are supposed to do this so here goes:
1. I was born in Columbus, GA but moved to the ATL before I was 2 months old.
2. I have an older sister and a younger half-sister.
3. I love the beach more than anything.
4. I would live at the beach if I had any money.
5. I got mono and missed the last month of my first semester of grad school- somehow I passed all my classes anyway.
6. I have a Master's Degree and when my student loans are more under control I want to back to school.
7. TiVo might be my favorite possession.
8. I love red wine, and hate white wine.
9. I went to Italy and fell in love (with the country, not an Italian- although that would have been nice).
10. I was in Florence, Italy when the Pope died.
11. I would be really skinny if they took mexican food and pasta out of my life.
12. I am somewhat obsessed with PopIce.
13. My favorite flowers are hydrangeas and if I ever get married that will be my bouquet.
14. If I'm not married by 35 I am going to carry around a bouquet of hydrangeas for a year- maybe.
15. I'm a democrat.
16. I'm somewhat of a hypochondriac, anytime I'm sick I'm pretty sure its cancer or a tumor.
17. I didn't like pink in high school but now it is my favorite color.
18. I majored in Art History.
19. I love dogs.
20. I love BudLight.
21. I love SEC football, especially the Tennessee Vols.
22. My grandmother is my hero.
23. I never knew either of my grandfathers.
24. I go to a chiropractor.
25. I've had the same two best friends my entire life.
26. I love daylight savings time.
27. I love to read- The Poisonwood Bible is my current favorite book.
28. For two years I collected the most money from alumni for my college. I won a savings bond, but have no idea what happened to it.
29. I really like playing Bridge, although I don't know anyone else who does.
30. I love Vegas.
31. One of my favorite childhood memories is Mom playing kickball with me in the front yard.
32. I cried more than my sister at her wedding.
33. I cry a lot- especially at commercials or The Biggest Loser ( I know, I know).
34. I visit literally over 54 times a day.
35. In 2nd grade I discussed who the Salem Strangler was on Days of Our Lives with my teacher (my mom and sister watched it).
36. My checkbook was always balanced to the penny until I got mono and it hasn't been balanced since.
37. I really love hot tea.
38. I have had pneumonia twice in my life- in 1st and 3rd grade and I sent myself a get well card.
39. As a junior in high school I broke my ankle skiing but the EMT guy said it was sprained so I had to walk on it for over 2 weeks.
40. I have a tattoo that I got with four other people. It hurt more than my broken ankle
41. I don't leave the house without lipstick on.
42. I sleep with the TV on.
43. I was once broken up with over e-mail.
44. If I won the lottery I would pay off my student loans and then hire someone to do my hair everyday.
45. I pretty much have to have a potato product at each meal (add that to my I'd be skinny if list)
46. I can talk to crowds of over 400 people with no problem, but want to cry if I am asked to walk into a room without a close friend and talk to people.
47. My parents divorced when I was 7.
48. My dad remarried when I was 8.
49. My mother should be nominated for sainthood.
50. I have a goddaughter.
51. I love America's Next Top Model (come one Snake Nation! :) )
52. I have a niece and a nephew who I probably talk about too much.
53. I am deathly afraid of lightning and tornadoes.
54. I am fairly messy although it drives me crazy.
55. I am obsessed with purses and shoes because they don't make me feel fat, and I truly believe they can make or break an outfit.
56. I don't wear much jewelry because I either forget to put it on, or I lose it all.
57. I really love the show Entourage and think Johnny Drama is the funniest part of the show.
58. I have a really small family but have always wanted a big one.
59. I have a really bad memory and sometimes have to call my best friend to ask her things.
60. I am always able to take a nap.
61. I made the plans for a Kindergarten system in Honduras.
62. I was never carsick until I went to Honduras and now I can hardly dial my cellphone in the car without getting sick.
63. I took my 85 year old blind grandmother to a Clay Aiken concert, at her request.
64. I have really big feet for my height.
65. I have a bunion on my right foot I call Paul.
66. I really like to paint, but get so frustrated with not being as good as I want that I don't do it a lot.
67. I really love babies.
68. I don't understand people who don't watch TV and are proud of it.
69. I was a math major in college for a week.
70. One of my proudest moments in college was getting an A in calculus.
71. I think I would make an excellent meteorologist.
72. I love going to Braves games.
73. I am a good typer.
74. Sometimes I have to turn the View off because of Elizabeth Hasselbeck.
75. I have had 3 wrecks and they were all my fault.
76. I love fried okra and squash (not fried).
77. I am highly allergic to real Christmas trees.
78. I watch the Today Show every morning.
79. I love pens from hotels, and I only used Holiday Inn Express pens in Grad school.
80. I prefer veggie burgers (gardenburgers, not black bean) to real hamburgers.
81. I don't like cartoons.
82. I love the movie What about Bob?
83. I also love Shawshank Redemption.
84. I also love anything with Will Ferrell in it.
85. I love getting pedicures.
86. I am named after my great-grandmother.
87. I don't get embarrassed. Well, it takes a lot.
88. I really love blueberry donuts from Dunkin Donuts and allow myself like 3 a year.
89. I love roller coasters.
90. I recently realized I am scared of heights.
91. A 6th grader dressed up as me for Halloween last year and I didn't know it but when I arrived at our Halloween Carnival, we were dressed exactly the same. Apparently I wear black shirts and jeans a lot.
92. I hate ham.
93. I really like fish (eating, not aquariums).
94. I wish my sister who lives in Indiana lived here so we could see each other all the time.
95. I have been told I look like everything from Lauren Graham from Gilmore Girls (good) to Falcor from the Neverending Story (bad), and others in between.
96. The news that Britney filed for divorce is the best news I've heard all week.
97. One of my pet peeves is people sneezing. For some reason it drives me crazy.
98. Another pet peeve is when people say they are staying in the marriage for the children. If you loved your children you would realize children are smart and know when things aren't good.
99. I wore braces for 3 and a half years.
100. I have freckles and I hate them.