Monday, October 30, 2006

Not a good start.......

Two things occurred in the past 24 hours which made me think this week is not off to a good start:
1) I forgot to "fall back". As everyone else was getting an extra hour of sleep, I was instead unknowingly getting up at 5:30 am so I was ready for work at 6:30, only to figure out I had a full hour to sit......luckily there is a Starbucks nearby. And to add insult to injury, I hate (and yes, mom I know hate is a very strong word), but I hate daylight savings time ending. I love it when it is still light outside at 8:00. I don't like it when I arrive at the gym at 5:30 and it is dark. I basically stay depressed until March, or whenever the sun comes again....although good Christmas presents can sometimes brighten the day.... :)
2) This morning as I was beginning the hair drying ritual, I realized I had just saturated my hair with, not my leave-in detangler spray, but with hairspray, which you may know does not detangle, it actually sets the tangles in. Thus, me having the worst hair day ever which just happens to fall on the day of my yearly review. Thanks.

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