Thursday, October 12, 2006


So, this morning I stopped by Panera (which I once thought was called Pantera) to get a bagel. I do this once maybe every 5 months because I am usually running late for work. Today for some reason I decided being late for work was no big deal so I went for it. While I was waiting in line this older woman comes up and asks the people working if they have anymore free bread samples. Now, my first thought is- free bread samples are a gift from the gods. When they are gone, you don't ask for more, you just curse the fact that you missed them (or ate them all). SOL lady. And as if this wasn't bad enough, she then goes (with a big smile on her face like we should join her) "Yeah, my dog is in the car and I wanted to give her some." I just stared at her because now not only has she gone against free bread sample etiquette she has kinda just said their food is only good for dogs. I mean, I love my dog, but I wouldn't ask for free food from a bakery for it. Bones from chik-fil-a drive thru, yes, bakery, no. And she just kept standing there waiting. Luckily, the workers understood free bread etiquette and they ignored her.
Unfortunately for me, turns out I was the crazy one because when I got back in my car I quickly realized I had forgotten to throw away my dog's "crap bag", for lack of a better word. So, my car smelled like dog crap. Maybe I'll skip my bagel idea next time.

1 comment:

Bossy Bar-Wife said...

What a delightful tale.