Monday, September 17, 2007

I've become that lady....

First you must understand I did not grow up with dogs. We had a couple of cats growing up but none that I remember missing too much when they "ran away". We never had a dog and I grew up with the idea that people who had dogs in their houses were not normal....(stay with me).
In college I even remember saying once that if I ever had a dog it would live in the backyard to which my friend yelled, "You're one of THOSE people?" And, at that time I was. Somewhere in the last 5 years or so I have become a dog person. A sleep on the bed with me dog person. Whenever I see a dog I have to pet it, or talk to it, or start crying if I pass it on the road. I love them.
As you know I received a puppy as a Christmas present this year. It took a few months for me to be ok with it, but now I have become that lady who talks to her dog like it was a person.
My dog has recently become obsessed with playing catch with the frisbee. I mean OBSESSED. If we are inside she brings me the frisbee and puts it at my feet and then backs up and just stares at me. Today I went home for lunch and she sat by the door just waiting. I finally looked at her and said, just like I was talking to a person, "I'm sorry. No. I am eating." And thats when I knew- I'm that lady. Like it or not.


Snake Nation said...

I tell my cat to have a good day when I leave for work in the morning.

smarti said...

I, too, tell my dog to "have a good day" before I leave for work.

Mackenzie said...

I talk as if my dog has human body parts, like identifying elbows and knees.